Selected Exhibitions
2024Breath(e): Towards Climate and Social JusticeHammer Museum Los Angeles, USA 
Open SkyBenton Museum of Art at Pomona College Claremont, California, USA
 Space City Asia Society Texas Center Houston, TX, USA
 Poetry by the Barbarian | 野蛮人写诗 ASE Foundation Shanghai, China
 Photographic Geomancy | 相地堪舆——图像、田野与地理的诗学 Guangdong Times Museum Guangzhou, China
 Glad Rags - Jan Kaps, Cologne, Germany
Jan Kaps Gallery Cologne, Germany
 Scales in Flames | 燃烧的尺度 185 of Shanghai Bund Art Center Shanghai, China
 To Supplement the Fragment Public Gallery London, UK
 Gleaming Bodies (solo) Sapporo International Art FestivalSapporo, Japan
2023The 3rd Thailand Biennale: The Open WorldThailand Biennale Chiang Rai, Thailand
 The 14th Shanghai Biennale: Cosmos Cinema | 第十四届上海双年展:宇宙电影 Power Station of Art Shanghai, China
  Offworlds Yve Yang Gallery New York, USA
  The 4th Future of Today Biennial: To Your Eternity | 第四届今日未来馆: 致不灭的你 Today Art Museum Beijing, China
  At the End of Everything (solo) ARTPACE San Antonio, Texas, USA
  Seedlings and Offsprings (solo) Pioneer Works
Brooklyn, NY, USA
  Self Devourer (solo) Make Room Gallery Los Angeles, CA, USA
Plásmata II/ IoanninaOnassis Foundation Athens, Greece
2022  The Earth is An Image (online) M+ Museum Hong Kong, China
  The Disconnected Generation Song Art Museum
Beijing, China
In Solidarity with_? OCAT & KADIST Emerging Media Artist Exhibition
OCAT Shanghai Shanghai, China
  Science Fiction and Hallucination MAXXI - National Museum of 21st Century Art
Rome, Italy
2021 The Ground is Falling (solo) Aranya Art Center
Beidaihe, China
  Synthetic Wilderness
Honor Fraser Gallery
Los Angeles, CA, USA
  Blue Cable in Venetian Watercourse | 他山之石
Power Station of Art
Shanghai, China
OCAT Biennale Nüwa Elysium | 飞去来器 OCAT 双年展: 女娲极乐园
OCAT Shenzhen Shenzhen, China
2020 New Frontier Official Selection
Sundance Film Festival Park City, UT, USA
  Living/Distance Make Room Gallery Los Angeles, CA, USA
  Prologue: A Falling Tooth (solo) Museum of Arts and Design New York. NY, USA
  Supassing r=a(1-sinθ) Qimu Space Beijing, China
  A glitch in the stars Ars Electronica Linz, Austria

Xin Liu Studio
All rights reserved Xin Liu Studio